– Kane Snap Feeders are designed to feed baby pigs dry food while still in the farrowing crate
– Utilised by producers who early wean and provides easier access for younger pigs
– The trough area is water tight allowing the snap feeder to be used to provide milk replacer for young pigs needing a boost
– The Kane Snap Feeder is designed to fasten to all types of nursery flooring in the farrowing creep area
– Placement in the creep area should be done in an area that the sow’s feet won’t reach the feeder
– The spring loaded hook makes the Kane Snap Feeder easy to install and remove
– An arrow on the top indicates the hook direction
– Made in the USA
Specials Features:
– Standard Profile 10cm high
– Feed Saver Lip which reduces feed waste
– Positive J Hook locking device
– Locking device, push-turn to attach and release for easy and quick installation
– Adapts to all types of slatted creep areas
– Round design allows the baby pigs access from all sides
– Easy to clean and non rusting
– Durable high density, high impact styrene and stainless hook and spring assembly
– Built in grill keeps pigs from getting into the trough and helps prevent feed waste
Categories: Bainbridge Vet, Companion Animals, Livestock.