Livestock Cropping & Pasture General Farm

DNA Testing for Mixed Breed Dogs

mixed breed dog dna kits

The ADVANCE® ‘advanced pet nutrition’ dog and cat foods are based on a record number of scientific publications emanating from the Waltham complex in England going back 50 years. Waltham is also a leader in animal welfare.

ADVANCE® is one of the most popular brands in Australia, and it is manufactured locally.

In a completely different area of scientific benefit, Advance® is offering a DNA test – based on an analysis of the ‘canine genome’ – that provides incredible information about breed identification.

“As a vet of some 30 plus years, I find the relatively new science of gene biology very exciting” says veterinarian Rod Stephenson from PAC VETS for horses and all farm animals.

Dr Stephenson, is accredited for carrying out the Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test. Find out more:

When it comes to mixed-breed dogs, appearances can be remarkably deceiving.

How good are your mixed breed detection skills?

While it is generally possible to deduce at least one breed based on appearance, most mixed breed dogs are a combination of three or more breeds and the other breed characteristics often are far less obvious.

Of the 3.8 million dogs that are owned in Australia, 50 percent of them are mixed breed, leaving many owners guessing their dog’s breed makeup and leaving important breed-specific information such as health, appearance and behavioural characteristics to speculation.

To help provide mixed breed dog owners with this important information, Mars Petcare have designed state-of-the art technology with the new ADVANCE® Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test for dogs.

Available from June 1st, the test involves a simple blood test administered by veterinarians and within 21 days mixed-breed dog owners receive a complete genetic analysis of their dog.


The ADVANCE® Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test provides dog owners with information which helps to:

  • Discover the genetic make-up of your dog tracing back to their great grandparents
  • Predict your dog’s genetic adult weight range
  • Determine the recommended nutritional, wellness and exercise program
  • Obtain a better understanding of your dog’s behaviour
  • Pre-screen for genetic diseases (available upon request and at an additional cost)

As dog adoption is becoming increasingly popular in Australia many dog owners are left with the uncertainty of not knowing exactly which breeds make up their dog. This inevitably leads to uncertainty in dog owners, questioning how big their dog will become, how much food they will need, how active they will be, how much space they need and how much attention they require.

As a result, the return rate at some shelters are as high as 50%, but this could be markedly reduced by the use of the ADVANCE® Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test to solve these mysteries. The information provided in the test result will significantly help prospective dog owners make responsible decisions and ensure they have the right environment and lifestyle to suit their chosen puppy.

Contact Us for more information on where you can have the test conducted.

In Summary, if you have a mixed breed dog, the benefits of the test can be very rewarding, be it for a new pup, or a much loved ‘mut’ that has been a part of the family for some years.